How Do Men Expect To Have Healthy Relationships With Women When We Behave Like This?

Something about normalized chauvinisim

James Ssekamatte
5 min readAug 31, 2022
Photo by Jakob Owens on Unsplash

Over the weekend, I stopped at my favorite barber’s place to get my hair trimmed. I like his place because it’s clean and away from all the noisy streets of Kampala and he is also a reasonable fellow — At least I want to believe so.

Not long after getting to his place, we began catching up on what was going on in our lives. He is a talker so I had to give him as much as I could.

Naturally, his curiosity sent him asking about the rumors he heard in the community about the upcoming function at our home. I sensed that he didn’t want to appear as though he knew more than he admitted but I nevertheless told him everything as though he knew nothing.

“Yes, one of my sisters is getting married this October. Time is running out and we still have a lot to do.” I said.

To which he replied… “Which one of the two?”

I cleared his confusion by letting him know that it was the older one who was getting married.

After more clarification, he made a statement that shocked me. He said.

“Oh, that one. I know her. I thought she was dumb. The kind that you just f*ck but she has no

