Lia, this statement was not meant to address what women would do or what they wouldn't do to men. This is why I called it a gendercide not androcide. If it were to happen, it can happen on either side by anyone, to anyone. Debating what any one gender is capable of is dismissive of what human beings are capable of.
It is impossible to draw a line on where hate can stop. Sure, women who dislike men might cut them off from their lives but thats different from hate. Hate pushes people into doing the worst things. Men and women.
And my discussion here is that if many women are moving past frustrations and dislikes and haboring hate with so much conviction, what guarantee do all people have that those conflicts won't devolve into terrible things.
Actually the entire discussion is not meant to point fingers at the evils any one side is capable of. It would defeat the reason for writing this. I am not saying that men aren't doing these things which is why this conversation exists. It is about exploring options that heal the collective relationship between men and women.