Thanks for writing this Elaine. I have a lot to work through thats for sure and your repsonse offers a lot of insight. I think the problem though lies in my effort to have meaningful friendships with girls... I don't know if thats strange but I like having not just male friends around because I have noticed the female friends together with my male friends give me a more holistic view of my experience. I probably came off as needing my romantic needs met when I wrote this article which is not the case. I trust that I have that I'll figure that stuff out when the time comes. When I got rejected, I never wanted to cut communications with my friend but at the same time, I felt like I was not supposed to keep in contact since it would be hard for it not to look like I was just hanging around. I love and care about my friendship with her more than I care about being in that relationship I guess. Anyway am rumbling... Thank you so much for sharing your point of view and very insightful advice. Thanks