Thanks for your thoughts Holly. Even if I were an editor, I'd be hesitant when submitting work from a writer who writes an article like the one I did. Totally understandable.
And surely enough I had several non-hysterical options too. The way I see it, after the many times he had done it to my work, I had to say something publicly. I had reached out to him via notes before but he still did the same thing.
If everyone just keeps quiet about how editors treat the work of writers, it will just become something common or something that everyone just thinks is ok to do.
I know that these people do it all for free. They don't get paid for it. But that shouldn't mean that they change people's work to suit their biases. If that work is not to their taste, they can reject it. If I had written this article about an editor who rejected my work, that would be stupid for sure.
I'd like to think that most editors know what they are doing but then again, the editor's preferences might be different from the writer's. If something "minor" bothers the editor, I am not saying that they shouldn't change it. I am saying that if they do, the writer must be at least informed of the changes before that work is published. But editing entire paragraphs and publishing that work without the knowledge of the writer? really?
I've been getting a lot more rejections on my work since this article started picking up steam. I have to keep telling myself that my work is not good enough for those publications because I don't want to put my attention on the possibility that editors have seen this and that's the reason why. But if I tell him several times to make no such changes to my work and he still does, if I just withdraw my work and never publish there again, he is going to do it to someone else who has a lot to loose by posting such an angry article. I have publications of my own too but that's not the point. I write about some things that I know would be suited for other audiences and that's why I still submit to publications. I think they play an important role on this platform but if they are going to remain part of the distribution system, they need to be held accountable when they mess up several times atleast. Again, this is my perspective. I may be wrong. And if I am, I am sorry.