Yes Kevin. If an editor is bothered by a comma in my work, they should send it back. Many editors have unpublished and sent back my work with notes just because one sentence in a 3000 word article didn't sit well with them. I am fine with that.
I don't want to sound like my work is a masterpiece but it is my expression. I can welcome any form of suggestion but giving an editor the right to edit it and publish it without my permission is very risky because it could only be a comma but then, they could fix the grammar of a sentence, maybe delete a sentence while they are at it and before you know it, that part or the entire article looses the meaning I intended. I know this because this editor has done it to my stories before and this frustration just didn't come from one article. Its been several articles over several months. If an editor is bothered by my work and thinks a back and forth is a waste of their time, they can just reject the work rather than putting their expression into it without my permission or knowledge.